Swanzal K Kapoor

My design journey as an architect has been guided from the start by a deep belief in the idea of ‘genus locii’ or unique spirit of place. My training with Ashok B Lall & early years at Revathi & Vasant Kamath Architects reinforced the significance of careful thought, sensitive detailing, balance, resource optimisation & contextual design. TObserving & listening with all your senses, staying true to values, and keeping your sense of wonder and passion alive are at the heart of great design. A source of great inspiration & learning is my deep connect with the natural world. Music & Art are sources of creative energy and significant influences in my creative process. Empathy, intuition & being curious about people are some of my strengths. Continuosly expanding my skillset, managerial ability, thought, expression & research are critical to constant growth. Finally, I am deeply grateful to be practising in India (where anything is possible), and our aesthetic and crafts traditions resonate so evocatively.
Contributed by: Ms. Swanzal K Kapoor
Complete Article and Images are available in Building Giants Feb-April 2017 Issue