HR Management

HR Management

Human resource management is managing employment, development, compensation and utilization of Human resource.
A simple aspect of business is having fine workers. They make sure that there is silky smooth business operation in all departments. But even if you have the best staff, it does not necessarily guarantee that you will succeed in business. It is depending on the manager that how he takes work with his employees also crucial to guarantee cohesiveness and thus team work.

Human resource management is all about getting the finest employees, and utilizes them again and again for accomplishment of the organizational goals. Human resource management is complicated and sensitive function. Manager has skills to manage them such as intelligence, decision making, discriminating skills and so on it depends on organization structure

1. Structured and open system
2. Training and seminar
3. Flexibility
4. HR policies
5. Coordination and team work
6. Work condition
7. Supervision
8. Motivational programs

In addition, the management needs to put in place structures that enable the staff to improve their careers, work performance, confidence and more so grow in the corporate hierarchy within the company and create a friendly and open system in the organization.

Recruitment process construct in an appropriate and structured format. And it put into practice easily and impartially. It attracts a relatively larger number of qualified applicants.

Avail to your management team business books and magazines that offer related material as pertaining to human resource and provide some training related with the business which adding extra effectiveness in the work. Start seminars on the various issues like stress management, quality of life and more which is indirectly increase productivity of work.

Manager should have to offer some rights for employee to take his own decision relate with his work. In the business it is the best approach to managing people by empowering them to become leaders and improving their personal careers and skills. Always listening to your employees and attending to their needs is important in ensuring smooth and effective business operations. Managers should know about how to resolve internal conflicts soberly and effectively and regulate the staffs without delay.

HR policies and implementation of them should be very clear and impartial. It covers all related topics in which dispute can be arise. Managers settle all the conflicts with the help of them.

It is not necessary that you have always be better workers than others it is important that how your team work. It is imperative to have proper evaluation systems and proper utilization of your workforce. To be fair to all, put in place clear and simple guidelines that measure the performance of your employees. Agree with your workers on the best assessment procedure depending on the performance of each employee. These appraisals can be conducted on a yearly basis and rewards given to best performing workers.

Supervision is major phase in the organization but it should be appropriate and timely. Monitor all the activities in the organization performed by the employees and put in creativity. Try to find out hidden talent by offering different task.

Take faith on employee’s abilities and respect of them ideas. Inspire them to generate new ideas. Give some seminars and more for provide guideline. Also appoint an expert team for supervision.

Motivation influences people to done work with all capabilities. For the reason that manager has to arrange some motivational programs. There several practices and applications for motivating employees some of them are:

1. Reward
2. Bonus
3. Job design
4. Appraisal
5. Training
6. Promotion
7. MBO

People join organizations expecting reward. Manager provides reward for better work but it should be unbiased and fair.

Complete Article and Images are available in Building Giants Feb-Apr 2011 Issue

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