Concept Of Healthy Architecture

Consider the fact that the average person spends about 90% of his time indoors and one third of his life sleeping. The indoor environment is exposed to the building materials, 80% of which are artificial and out-gassing chemical toxins. Added is the influence of natural and man made electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields. The lack of basic necessity of air exchange leads to detrimental health conditions. Healthy architectural concepts include:
A. Design Concept
1. Location of site, orientation of building, landscape features, open spaces should be such that maximum use of natural resource of sun, wind, and water is ensured, relying less on supplementary energy methods.
2. Design should be harmonious to the environment merging the style, scale and materials. Use of local materials add to harmony.
3. Proportionate scale and dimension add to the feeling of belongingness, comfort and security. Shapes and forms serve as energy enhancer and add to the beauty.
4. Building design should be in co-ordination with the natural forces and natural resources- visible/ invisible forces i.e. sunlight, ventilation, rain, earth radiations, magnetic forces of earth etc. for most of the energy requirements, maintaining a balanced healthy indoors.
Complete Article and Images are available in Building Giants Feb 2011 Issue